all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 3SA 16 2 51.745107 0.407276
CM1 3AA 9 8 51.721731 0.447923
CM1 3AE 12 11 51.723405 0.447
CM1 3AF 15 5 51.725538 0.448621
CM1 3AG 40 32 51.724384 0.44921
CM1 3AT 1 1 51.725886 0.449176
CM1 3AX 2 0 51.728919 0.412451
CM1 3BB 1 1 51.724956 0.448068
CM1 3BJ 65 0 51.726286 0.445968
CM1 3BL 11 1 51.726083 0.456557
CM1 3BP 27 0 51.727136 0.446622
CM1 3BS 42 2 51.726393 0.451621
CM1 3BT 9 0 51.727886 0.444288
CM1 3BU 33 1 51.726764 0.451525
CM1 3BW 33 0 51.727516 0.455534
CM1 3BX 18 2 51.726499 0.454726
CM1 3BY 6 6 51.720859 0.449942
CM1 3BZ 18 0 51.728516 0.445132
CM1 3DA 30 0 51.728385 0.445777
CM1 3DB 12 0 51.730922 0.446175